I crawl on my belly as fast as I can. I'm trying to feed myself with the dust which was stirred by the feet of those who have left me behind in the rat race. I witness dark clouds overwhelm the skies.
The torrential rains wipe away all the footprints and leave me bereft of the grim comfort of following the beaten track. The downpour lasts for what seems a lifetime. But when it clears, I look all around and grin, when I see that rats really can't swim.
Need I repeat that even if you win the rat race, you are still a rat at the end of the game?
Wonders never cease! Finally, an upbeat post.
please to update. how about another positive end-of-the-year post??? :D
Hey that sounds really really depressing man...all okay at work? Btw I guess happy postings do sorta turn my stomach, I prefer non-commital ones - you know, stuff that isn't overtly emotion and yet strikes a chord?!
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