Monday, June 05, 2006

Desperate Laughter

Two marijuana joints. Then two beers. Then two more joints. And finally three rum shooters for the road. Totally stoned, totally free. No need to make unnessary polite conversation. Is it unhealthy that this mental state feels normal to me?

What is funny is that everyone tries so desperately to maintain their tenuous grip on sanity. Fortunately, I am a poet, so I am exempt from this pathetic attempt. Everyone knows that I am mad, they all know I am very sad. So they feel bad about it, but do not try to change my state.

When I was young, I was a pessimist. Now that I know better, I know that moments of mirth are but futile interludes in the grand epiphany of despair.


Anonymous said...

You are a cheerful one, arent you?

Anonymous said...

i have a 32-yr-old relative who is dying of liver and kidney failure in the hospital... after 10 yrs of substance and alcohol abuse plus his girlfriend dumped him along the way... if you want to die with booze and hash, too, i think there are quicker ways to do it... so stop glorifying your "state of bliss."