Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Grin And Beer It

The Delhi heat is terrible. It would have been truly unbearable (all puns intended!) had it not been for beer. For example, I spent the whole of last Sunday roaming around an amusement park just because the wife had this sudden, uncontrolable urge to do so. I came back thoroughly dehydrated for my efforts. But soon turned into a brand-new man after downing a couple of chilled beers.

There are good beers, great beers, and fantastic beers. And then there are Indian beers, those of the glycerine-saturated variety. There's Foster's that combines the taste of a lager with the kick of a stout. There's Guinness stout, unfortunately not too easily available in India. This one always reminds me of chocolate; though I don't quite know why. Then there's Kingfisher, probably the only decent beer that comes out of India, and also the first that ever touched these lips.

A few good reasons why I prefer beer to the wife on a lazy Saturday afternoon:

10. A beer doesn't get jealous when you grab another beer.
9. Beer never has a headache.
8. You can have more than one beer in a night and not feel guilty.
7. If you change beers, you don't have to pay alimony.
6. To cool off a beer, all you have to do is put it in the ice box.
5. Its okay to leave a party with a different beer than the one you brought.
4. Beer doesn't care how much you earn.
3. Beer won't complain about your choice of vacation--it goes along happily.
2. You can put all your old beers together in one room and they won't fight.

And number 1. A beer never demands to be taken to an amusement park on a blazing summer day, dammit!


Rajesh Barnwal said...

A beer cannot read your blog... :-)

CoolMood said...

A beer also gives you a BEER BELLY!!!!!!

A beer also turns your head to MUSH (more than it was in the first place!)

A beer also gets you BURPING in public!!!

Chhaya said...


BTW, have u ever tried "King's" (not kingfisher) Beer?? available only in goa.